Beautiful Blue Bouquet.  

Cool blue roses and hand wired dendrobium orchids 
makes this beauty the perfect accessory to walk down the aisle.
This bouquet is wrapped with a beautiful lace and 
embellished with a simple and elegant broach.
If your looking to walk down the aisle with a stunning 
and striking bouquet, I have the perfect one for you!

Something Blue to walk down the aisle.

If your looking for something blue to walk down the aisle, 
I got that something blue for you!
How about a beautiful bouquet with blue roses, blue orchids,
lavender roses and fragrant gardenia wrapped to make a simple 
yet stunning bouquet.

Tip: Monaco blue is a rich and strong color that having 
a bouquet with only blue roses would looks like splat of ink 
on your dress. So we paired these blue roses roses with gardenia 
to make it elegant and beautiful.

Blue Bouquet

Blue Roses, stephanotis, and blue orchids 
wrapped with a rich gold lace fabric were
used to make this all blue rich bouquet.
If you want to walk down with something blue 
and blue is your favorite color, this bouquet is a perfect choice.